Island Health Authority
North Island Survivors' Healing Society
The Centre is located in Campbell River and provides a safe space for people from all walks of life who wish to explore therapy with counsellors who are trained to work specifically with those who have experienced trauma or are currently experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress.
Phone: (250) 287-3325
Alberni Community and Women's Services Society
This society provides transition housing, open 24/7 for women who are experiencing domestic abuse and their children. They also provide counselling, outreach, victim services and other supports to women, children, youth, men, and families.
Phone: (250) 724-7111
Powell River and Region Transition House Society
The Powell River and Region Transition House Society offers counselling to children and women who have witnessed or experienced violence and transition housing through the Grace house.
Phone: (604) 485-5335
North Island Crisis and Counselling Centre Society
The North Island Crisis and Counselling Centre Society offers a broad range of counselling and support services in the Mount Waddington Regional District and central coast.
Phone: (250) 949-8333
Comox Valley Transition Society
Comox Valley Transition Society supports women, children and families in the Comox, Cumberland Courtenay areas and beyond (including Denman and Hornby Islands) who are experiencing or fleeing abuse, overcoming trauma, working toward/through recovery, and those who are unsheltered and/or struggling through poverty. They offer transition housing, counselling, and a 24-hour crisis line.
Phone: (250) 897-0511
The Haven Society provides shelter to women of all ages, who have been physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused and for their children. They provide a range of programs and services including information, counselling, crisis support and advocacy services for women, children, youth and families who are experiencing violence in their lives.
Phone: (250) 756-2452
Sooke Transition House Society
The Sooke Transition House Society provides emergency shelter for women and their children who are in crisis resulting from family violence. They also have additional services and programming, in partnership with other organizations, in an understanding and compassionate manner, to care for the emotional needs of women and children who experience or bear witness to abuse, or are at risk of abuse, threats, or violence.
Victoria Sexual Assault Centre
The Victoria Sexual Assault Centre is a feminist organization committed to ending sexualized violence through healing, education, and prevention. We are dedicated to supporting women and all Trans survivors of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse, through advocacy, counselling, and empowerment.
Phone: (250) 383-3232
Victoria Women's Transition House
Victoria Women’s Transition House Society collaborates, advocates and educates to address and prevent intimate partner violence and abuse of women and children through supportive shelter, housing, counselling and other community-based services.
Phone: (250) 592-2927
HerWay Home provides non-judgmental health care and social supports for pregnant and parenting women who have a history of substance use and may also be affected by mental health issues, violence and trauma.
Phone: (250) 519-3681