CWI's annual
Item Drive!
What is an item drive?
Shelters throughout BC are often underfunded and overwhelmed. These challenges have been heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic. In a study by the Canadian Federal government, one in three shelters reported that the pandemic impacted them 'by a great extent'.*
To help support our shelters and the vital services that they provide, CWI hosted our annual item & cell phone drive. Our goal was to collect necessary items, used cell phones, and monetary donations. We distributed all donations to our partnering shelters and women’s organizations throughout BC.
Scroll through this page for suggested items, donation locations, our GoFundMe link, and more!
Donation Boxes
This year, we partnered with businesses throughout the lower mainland to host our 'donation boxes'. These boxes accepted donations through to September 9th.
Kerrisdale Community Centre: 65851 West Blvd, Vancouver
UBC Bookstore: 6200 University Blvd, Vancouver
Life Science Centre Medical Student Lounge: 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver
We are happy to accept your new / gently used clothing and items in the donation box. Scroll further down for a suggested list. We ask that any monetary contribution either be made online via our GoFundMe fundraiser page or brought to one of our item drive locations on September 9th.

Item Donations

Monetary Donations
In addition to item donations, our shelters need monetary support to continue providing their essential services.
If you would like to donate funds, you can visit our GoFundMe page, or bring a cheque with you to one of our two in-person item drive locations on September 9, 2023.